Big View Photography

Fine Art - Very Limited Editions


Main Street America



Main Street America - Detail


Spring on Main Street is wonderful! The snow is gone and the trees are blossoming with new life. There are the obvious buildings and coming and going of people, but also the shadows and effects of what was, back in the time of sepia and even back to black and white images. The existence of all brick downtowns is a reminder of the terrible fires that swept from building to building when wood was the norm. Floods come and go, businesses come and go, people visit and leave, but occupied buildings are the tangible backbones of Main Street America. - Ed

Prices for unframed prints.

Limited Edition
9 feet   23.1 inches 1           $4,300
8 feet   20.6 inches 2           $3,300
7 feet   18.0 inches 3           $2,800
6 feet   15.4 inches 5           $2,300
5 feet   12.9 inches 7           $1,800
4 feet   10.3 inches 47           $850
3 feet   7.7 inches Unlimited     $240
2 feet   5.1 inches Unlimited     $140


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