Big View Photography

Fine Art - Very Limited Editions


The Incline 9/11/11



The Incline 9/11/11 - Detail


I had wanted to take a photograph of the Manitou Springs Incline for weeks. I was finally able to get there on Sunday 9-11-11. As I setup my camera, a pickup truck arrived. Some men got out and started putting on firefighters' gear. They were from a local fire department and were going to climb The Incline, in full firefighting regalia, to commemorate their fallen comrades and all who died on 9/11. The Incline has almost 3000 steps and is 2000 feet straight up the side of a mountain, following an old cog railway line. The firefighters figured each step represented one person who had died that day, and the total height was the same as climbing both of the Twin Towers. - Ed

Prices for unframed prints.

Limited Edition
6.5 feet   18.9 inches 1           $3,300
6 feet   17.5 inches 3           $2,300
5 feet   14.6 inches 5           $1,800
4 feet   11.6 inches 47           $850
3 feet   8.7 inches 97           $240
2 feet   5.8 inches 257           $140


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